An Interview with Maria Ensabella of LondonCryo
This month sees International Women’s Day on the 8th March. To celebrate this year’s ‘Embrace Equity’ campaign, we spoke with Maria Ensabella of LondonCryo to find out about her business, what inspired her to be where she is today and what advice she’d give to women looking to follow in her footsteps. Take a look below to be inspired…
Tell us about your role and your business…
I am Maria Ensabella, the founder of LondonCryo. LondonCryo is a wellness and recovery clinic. It was established after I discovered the treatment when I was working in the corporate world and training for the New York marathon. I was fascinated by the physical and mental uplift, and wanting to be able to add to my life in London as well as giving others the chance to benefit from cryotherapy, I gave up my job in the City of London and set up LondonCryo.
What inspired you to work in health and wellness?
I was inspired to work in this space and health and wellness has always been a passion. My goal was simple, to make cryotherapy and a range of other leading wellness treatments available to people of all ages who wanted to improve their recovery from training as well as their wider wellbeing too. Also to improve their longevity and reduce inflammation which is the root cause of many illnesses.
Based on your own experience, what advice would you have for women wanting to get into your industry, or start a business of their own?
My advice to other women wanting to go into business is to not be afraid to take the risk to do something you believe in and are passionate about. First, make sure you have a business plan and also don’t be afraid to ask people around you to help. You’ll be surprised how many people are willing to impart with their knowledge and expertise to help you succeed and achieve your goals.
What do you love most about being positioned in St John’s Wood?
I’m very proud to have LondonCryo in St Johns Wood. We offer treatments that help reduce inflammation, pain and there is the beauty and anti-aging aspect. We feel so lucky to have had many locals come in just to welcome us to the neighbourhood making us feel like we are part of this wonderful community.
With LondonCryo in St Johns Wood I look forward to continuing to apply my extensive knowledge and invest in innovative treatments to improve clients mental and physical health.
International Women’s Day is about celebrating women and everything we have achieved socially, economically and culturally and being excited for our future.